Monday, January 14, 2008

The First Day

Today, January 14th 2008, I officially begin my training for my first ever running competition. No, it is not a 5k nor a 10. I have decided to embark on a journey of running a half-marathon which consists of 13.1 miles which I was unaware of until I 'googled' it.

Now a little about myself. I am a 26-year-old male living in the great city of Cincinnati, Ohio.

I have lived here nearly my whole life. I have been actively involved with many sports through my 26 years of life. I have participated in soccer, football, baseball, hockey, softball, wakeboarding and what I am best at, golf. However, I have never enjoyed to run nor have I ever done it for recreation. Who runs for fun? Why waste your time running? Running isn't good for the knees, blah blah blah.

Contradictorily running can be quite healthy and the fact that I am about 200 lbs and 5'10", I need all the help I can get. My goal for this event is to first complete the race and to secondly complete it under a time of 135 minutes, which is about a little over a 10 minute mile. That is by far not going to win the race considering the winner last year posted a final time of about 65 minutes.
The purpose of this blog is to document my process of running, training, becoming slimmer and hopefully just becoming a healthier person. Maybe I'll have an interesting story or two along the way. Thanks for reading and please look for daily posts.

I begin my training with 2 miles of running. I enlisted the help of the google map pedometer to assist me with my mileage. Why spend money you don't need to? I am heading out to stretch and run now, catch up with you tomorrow.